Friday, August 26, 2011

Catch a Glimpse

Coursework progression

Basically done with the drawing, just need some finishing touches. Next step would be the painting. Before painting, I am planning to do some trials to experiment and decide on the right colour palette and painting style.


  1. Excellent works, you must have spent a lot of time creating these masterpieces! Keep up the good work!!

  2. I really admire your patience. I really like the way you draw too. It seems that you drew every line with care and precision. I think I can never be like you and have the patience you have.

    I like the fact that you chose buildings to draw as they can really show the audience how detailed the painting is.

    Anyway, GOOD JOB!!! ^^

  3. hi!
    like i've said before, i really admire your patience! to do this artwork, you must really put in a lot of effort as every single lines and dots must draw neatly.
    also, i like how you have manage to connect the different architects together. it helps to create a sense of fluidity in your work, which allows the viewers eyes to travel across the painting.
    in addition, i also like how you have creatively transform the architects. such as the marina bay sands. it is very interesting and amuse to look at:)
